DWI Attorney St. Cloud, MN
St. Cloud MN DWI & Criminal Defense Attorney
Need a St. Cloud, MN DWI and Criminal Defense Attorney?
Shek Law Serves St. Cloud, Minnesota for DWI and Criminal Defense. Please browse my site for my practice areas for FAQs and to schedule at a free consultation today. If you were arrested in St. Cloud for a DWI or other criminal charge, your case will be heard at the Stearns County Court House located at: 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud MN 56303. If you retain me as you DWI and criminal defense attorney, I will fight to dismiss your DWI or other criminal charge.
Please browse my site and my practice to learn more about DWI charges and criminal charges, your rights and why you need a St. Cloud, MN DWI attorney.
Common questions for St. Cloud, MN DWI attorneys for DWI stop expansion, probable cause, and other issues in St. Cloud, MN?
Visit my DWI FAQs section. As a St. Cloud, MN DWI attorney, I have come across numerous issues and made many arguments in Stearns County. Knowing the particular prosecutors in St. Cloud and what works best for DWI charges is critical to reaching the best result.
A recent victory in a case by St. Cloud, MN DWI attorney Max Shek
Earlier this year in May, a client retained me after hitting a tree and blowing over a .20 BAC level. At first glance, these facts were bad. Many DWI attorneys would look for a plea out of the gate. I looked over the case again and again. For measurement related DWI charges, the State may use retrograde extrapolation (using science to determine the measure of your BAC level within two hours) to prove a DWI charge, but they need certain data including but not limited to the amount of alcohol ingested, time since last drink, food intake to carry out the measurements. The Police took my client to a hospital and could not obtain a warrant for a DWI blood because the online system was down. As a St. Cloud DWI attorney, I filed a motion to dismiss my client’s case and the prosecutor dismissed the charge. You need a St. Cloud DWI attorney who knows common DWI mistakes made by the St. Cloud Police Department.
What attorneys prosecute DWI cases in St. Cloud, MN?
St. Cloud, MN has their own city attorney’s office. Similar to Minneapolis, the city attorney’s office will prosecute your DWI charge. All other cities outside of St. Cloud, in Stearns County do not have City Attorney’s Offices. In those cases, the Stearns County Attorney’s Office will prosecute the charges. As a DWI attorney in St. Cloud, MN, I know how to navigate DWI charges in St. Cloud, MN. All city and county attorney’s offices function differently, so knowing how the St. Cloud City Attorney’s Office and Stearns County Attorney’s Office handle DWIs is essential to your case.
What should I do if I was arrested for a DWI in St. Cloud, MN?
You need start fighting the DWI immediately. The longer you wait, the harder time you will have. In St. Cloud, MN you have sixty days to challenge the revocation of your license. A DWI attorney needs time to prepare the necessary documents for both your criminal case and to challenge your license revocation. Do not wait until the last minute to retain a DWI attorney, it will likely have an affect on your result. Schedule a DWI consultation with attorney Max Shek today.
For extensive legal advice and to retain a St. Cloud DWI Attorney, CALL my office today.